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Maintaining a full beard can demand some work, but taking the time to keep yours well-groomed is worth the effort. If you’ve considered going in for the hipster look, but never got round to it, we’ve put together a few reasons to persuade you to switch up your style.

You just read the Great Gatsby, and you want everyone to know…

Nothing screams intellectual like the full hipster beard. If you’re a lover of literature, there’s no better accessory to your latest read. You may not go wild for cereal cafes or vintage typewriters, but there’s no harm in embracing a little of the hipster lifestyle and sporting the bushy look alongside a cappuccino and your favourite paperback.

You just bought (another) plaid shirt…

If you’re a fan of plaid and checked patterns, then the messy hipster beard is for you. It’s perfect for creating a rugged and outdoorsy look, and will get you looking like an experienced mountaineer, regardless of whether or not you’re inclined to venture much further than your armchair. It’s a simple and effortless look to pull off, and the perfect casual style for a summer evening or trip to the bar with friends.

There’s a formal dress code…but you like to look different…

A well-maintained beard is a statement. It creates an aura of sophistication, whether you’re at a business dinner or taking out the bins. If you like to be taken seriously, the carefully groomed style is your best friend. Paired with a smart suit and tie, you can be certain you’ll be the centre of attention at any formal function. Just be careful not to get anything stuck in it.

Got any questions? Come visit us at our Richmond salon for all the advice you need on haircare, styling and products.

Beards image created by Freepik