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Ho ho ho! It’s that time of year again when everyone is hunting for a way to out-festive each other. This year we’re got three fantastic suggestions on how you can get festive with your facial hair this winter season. If you’ve got a brilliant beard or a magnificent moustache and really want to show it off at its best this Christmas, these festive ideas are for you!

Let us know if you liked this article over on our social media accounts. If you’re amazing enough to give one of our Christmas ideas a try, we would love to see your results! Send us a snap!

  1. Glitter beards

You’ll probably have seen the sparkling masterpieces that are glitter beards. This trend has taken the internet by storm, and we’re certain you’re as excited as we are to give this festive facial hair style a go!

How is it done?

The secret is to shape your beard and use beard oil in order to get the glitter to adhere to your beard. Then simply tip glitter all over it. Fair warning – the glitter will get absolutely everywhere when you do this, but you can never have too much glitter at Christmas, can you?


  1. Beard baubles

Beard baubles hit the headlines last year and they’re still going strong, with even more options available, this year! You can still buy baubles to adorn your beard with, but as well as shimmering metallic globes, Christmas wreaths, bells and even gingerbread men are all available as hanging beard ornaments. You really can’t go wrong!


  1. Facial fireworks

Okay, not actual fireworks, that would be super dangerous! We just liked the alliteration. Instead, we’re talking about the Christmas magic of having fairylights in your beard. As well as beautifully showcasing your beard with dramatic lighting, you’ll also be getting into the festive spirit.

WARNING – if you do decide to give this festive facial hair idea a go (and if you do, we are dying to see the photos!) make sure the lights are the kind that don’t get hot. No one wants a facial hair fire ruining Christmas.

fairy-light-strand-for-beards (1)

Are you giving festive facial hair a try this Christmas?

If you’re giving any of these fantastic festive ideas a go, we would love to see the evidence! Simply post your pictures to our Facebook page or on Twitter and we’ll be sure to share your Christmas spirit with the world. We of course promise not to laugh.