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Three Hair Loss Prevention Secrets

If you’re thinning on top and are wondering what you can do about it, these hair loss prevention secrets could be just the ticket. Culprits which cause hair loss vary, but with these top tips, you can combat your fading follicles and keep baldness at bay. You are what...

Your Style Guide: Men’s Hairstyles For Summer 2015

There are some new hair trends on the block for summer 2015, so if you’re bored of your current style, or love to be on trend, you’ll love these new style ideas. This year’s short style Sharp looking fades have been in for a while now, but this year toning it down...

5 Weird Hair Hacks For Amazing Hair

We love a good hair tip and are always on the hunt for shortcuts to better style and hair health. With that in mind, we’ve put together five of the best weird hair hacks we’ve found for you to try out at home. If you give any of these hacks a try, drop us a message...