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The Hairy History of Sideburns

Sideburns are a bit like marmite – you either love them or hate them. Throughout the hairy history of sideburns, there have been booms and lulls in their popularity. They are currently favoured by some, as part of the hipster look, but where did this facial hair...

Cracking Christmas Party Hair Style Ideas For Men

Social calendar already filling up for Christmas 2014? With fun and festivities in the air, why not surprise your friends by breaking out some new hair styles? We take a look at the hottest hairstyle trends for winter 2014 and tell you how to pull them off with ease...

The Latest Men’s Hairstyles For Autumn/Winter 2014

Do you like to have hair that looks it’s straight out of a magazine? Or perhaps your current look doesn’t fill you with excitement anymore? Whatever your reason, these five hairstyles are some of the most popular current looks. Don’t forget, we’re always happy to look...

Game Changing Hair Styling Secrets

Got a great hairstyle but want to mix your look up a bit? We’re sharing hair styling secrets you can use to give your hair a new lease of life so you’ll have rocking hair for every occasion. Hair we go… First things first Work out what type of hair you have.  Short...

The Six Most Ridiculous Male Movie Haircuts Ever

We all love to grab some popcorn and chill out in front of a great film, but have you ever been so distracted by a character’s hair that you struggle to focus on the plot? We’ve rounded up six of the all-time worst male movie haircuts ever. Can you think of some worse...